Saturday 25 October 2014

Set Your Life On Fire!

With the festivities all around the corner and the aura of lights all above the only thing that ticks my mind is to "Set yourself on fire and seek those who fan your flames"...
That's what one should do. At least I make sure that I take this opportunity to set 'myself' on fire and let my worries ignite,rather than burning crackers and causing a mayhem, because that's the only way I can bring in the lost charm, the new found happiness and the likes of it back to life. Isn't it? I've always believed that one shouldn't let the 'kid' die inside, it's the only one that keeps you alive. People today strive to be happy 'with' people, 'by people' and 'for people', what for? Once a smart chap told me a priceless axiom that read as, "Make sure your anger is the most expensive and your happiness is the most cheapest thing in your life!" Awestruck, I was a little taken aback for a jiffy then,that how such a simple thought never caught my attention,however now I seem to apply it every now and then.The only reason that people seem to be more stressed nowadays like never before is that their happiness lies in 'others' and not there 'self'. They've forgotten to live with themselves, always demanding the presence of someone's 'company' from going to the market to leading a great life. We are social being's and socialization is bound to take place, it just does not hold survival value rather it's solely essential for inculcating growth and development. But socialization shouldn't bring in dependency.Should it? That's not what it's meant to do. We meet people to learn from them,from there experiences and make sure our journey is smoother and better. And it's straining to see people going into a long phase of hibernation because a friend ditched them, committing something as gruesome as a suicide because they had a bad life. So what? Who doesn't? Who has it perfect,no one. It's meant to be perfect in it's very own imperfections. When you start to look at people who don't even have a penny but still that 'hope to survive', who don't have a good family but still the 'belief in there ability',who don't have more time left to live as they wanted to, yet they try and make the most of there present, who don't own a bright future but definitely a bright present, its then that you realize the worth of the word called 'LIFE' and you come to realize that , that's what you are missing out on. No one is blessed with all the good things in life, the goodness lies in yourself and that is what you need to seek.The day you stop pointing bad things in others and realizing good in yourself, The world will then never seem to be daunting rather a blissful place to be in.Make sure you spread happiness wherever you are,make sure that you take the moment and make it special and make sure that you live your life as if there is no tomorrow because there might be none! Every shot must be your last and with just one thought in mind....
#therewontbelookingback's #makethemostoflife #timeswon'tcomeback #cherishit

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