Monday 2 February 2015

Be Real. Period.

Trying to know other people can be interesting but trying to know your self can be scary. Isn't it? Because it might not fit your own notion of "perfection". But who cares? Sadly,we all do. Over a period of time as and when I've grown to be a mature individual I've come to know much of myself,to know of my interests,to know of my liking's and the way I want my life to be. Interestingly it isn't that scary that I thought it would be,though it might not be the 'ideal' life one strives for but at least it is the way that I want to lead it. I've always seen individuals who are trying to be "imposter's",someone they don't identify with or maybe someone they can relate to but then in the lieu of being that person they destroy their own individuality. Well there is nothing wrong in aspiring to be someone you identify with but what's wrong is,to forget your own 'self' while you try to be that significant other. Think about it. How long do you spend thinking about your own self? To retrospect on what you have been doing lately or to delve into the kind of personality that you have shaped up for yourself? Now think about the time that you spend on talking to individuals who have no interest in listening to what you are going through rather telling you about there interests,there skills,there feeling etc. etc. The ratio wouldn't even be 2:4. That's where it all sums up to. You in the hoard of always being that macho girl/guy from the class that gets all the hits,or that smart chap who cracks all the jobs,or that middle aged fellow whose earning a bloody good salary have lost what you had to offer to the world. I do not want to sound cliche but yes that's what the youth is indulging into and it is daunting,it really is. What are we heading towards? To be a Rakesh Sharma and travel to the moon, or be a Sachin Tendulkar and creating history or make a "P.K" and becoming a cult? Not cool. Undoubtedly we need numerous likes of the above but not by having another copy of them,we already have them for that. Be yourself,the world badly needs you and this realization is the need of the hour. That breeze of fresh air that you will be to this world will be worth breathing for so just be the way you really are. There is nothing as a 'good' or a 'bad' individual,it just is the understanding of the fact that you were born to be 'you'.
  The world needs you. #sobeoriginal #beyou #theworldswaiting #unleash

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