Saturday 8 August 2015

Love for Passion.

A lady walking on the beach holds her partners' hand with ardor, for she carries pride in her eyes of the compassion that they share. People walking past needless to comment call it some 'street romance', college brats call it a time pass,a writer sitting next to the shore thinks of it as a 'budding love story', a newly wed walking on the beach seeing them hold hands,tighten the grasp of their hands and call it 'companionship' however they both call it 'passion', a simple obsession for 'goodness' that they experience when together, a 'feeling', so fresh that it is yet untouched by the oddities of  any promises or commitments.
This ordinary  looking visual had so many interpretations, whatever people had to say of it, they both knew it was passion. It's rightly said 'Love what you do and do it often', for it may be re-experiencing any experience that once swept you off your feet, from the love for someones company, to a simple activity of interest that hooked you to itself every time you indulged in it, a job that made you feel a little lighter, an emotion that drove you to taste more of what you just experienced or a thought that never left your head whether it was of a person or a thing, 'that' in my definition is pure Passion.
People by virtue of being social animals are compelled to pass judgments on things other's like, people they love to hang around with, friends that seem a little off beat to their notion of 'right' or professions that people adopt which do not ensure a fat juicy cheque every month in their bank accounts. Today youngsters react to these 'moralizing judgments' as sick and to these beings so as to 'get a life!' but how these moralizers are still not abashed of it. They fail to understand that....

Isn't this simple? Does the mind really think before developing love for a person or a thing? for some job or profession? It just happens and there is no rationale to it. Some times it is better to not attach any pseudo logic's to things that are happening or will happen to be. Believe in what you love and love what you believe, for no one should own a right to point a finger at your incandescent exuberance. Carry your own shade of light inside you and behold it with aplomb for the world awaits to be painted in some bright new colors. This demented world demands no plasticity but only an effervescence of something full of  joy and excitement. 
Realize the beauty of carrying that grain of newness in your self and follow what your passion drives you to do, make sure you hold zeal and... 

#Bepassionate #haveopennesstoexperience #exploreself  #introspect  #reflect

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