Wednesday 20 August 2014

You Are Enough!

It was this fine day when I came across such a brilliantly written adage that I couldn't resist posting on my blog. This is how it reads...

How wonderfully has the author quoted it! Its magnanimity can only be comprehended if you read between those lines. No wonder you would see that those three lines are all that I have on all of my social networking platforms :D, I want it to reach to people. On a serious note, this amazing quote re-instills in you that zeal to realize the importance of 'ME' that I was talking about earlier in my previous post. It is so effing important to know your own value. It is YOU and no one else who can reach that pinnacle of glory which you have imagined for yourself. I am not trying to say here that you are all encompassing but that you are 'enough' encompassing to break all those abstruse barriers that are stopping you from reaching your 'high'. Sit down to analyze,let me make it a bit practical,say for example where did the gravitational force emerge from? Wasn't that fruit falling from the tree everyday? It WAS. Here is where the catch lies, it's the perception I am talking about, it did not mean that Newton was all 'encompassing' by himself, but it was that acumen that he possessed to learn that no one else did. He was no different but just that he looked 'differently' at things. It was those resources and those cues from the environment to which ONLY he was receptive and no one else was. Taking me back to where I was, that he just discovered,"He was enough,he was just enough,it was unbelievable how enough he was!" And that's what I am trying to put across here that it becomes really important to pick those right kind of cues from the surroundings that would eventually make you self fulfilling.I am sure you would be familiar with what Robert Frost had to say while he quoted "Two roads diverged in the woods and I took the one less traveled by,and THAT has made all the difference". It's all about YOUR choices, and when you would know how to separate you chaff from the grain,that day this monotonous looking life will seem to possess a melody of its own to which you would like to dance every day! That phase of ambiguity would eventually fade away and it will just be the 'sun' that you will see. Remember it is YOU who can make a difference,it is YOU who possesses it all, it is YOU who will make it there one day.

Just remember you don't let this happen to yourself :)
#Youareenough #Youarebloodyenough

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