Thursday 24 July 2014

Rains and those Days...

Sitting by your window sill sipping a cup of hot coffee while reading a love story and seeing the rains pour. Ah! that is exactly how it feels,isn't it? Monsoons have arrived and they bring out the best in you. They do! Giving you a break from the vicious heat and making you ready to face those cold winters wrapped in the lights of festivities. The season of happiness, love, heart breaks, warmth, new friendships, mass bunks, hot pakoras and that adrak wali chai, rains caste their spell immediately. The comfort they carry is accompanied by the freshness that they bring along.
Ever seen a kid making paper boats while it rains heavily, or a group of teens enjoying the weather while they sit at the canteen, or a bunch of school kids getting wet in the rain and dancing while coming back home, or a mother who is about to conceive feeling happy seeing it pour heavily,or people falling in love or a newly wed sitting on the marine drive enjoying the rains?
 If you haven't taken out the time or had not had the chance to view at least some of these then you are missing out on LIFE. You are.Ummm? What? Really,don't give yourself a lame excuse of missing out on any of  these because of your night shifts, busy schedules or simply lack of time. It's not just rains that you are missing but you are missing out on a beautiful chapter of life, that aspect when people are the most warm, the most expressive and its not just nature at its best but people who are at there ever best. It's rightly said that 'Some people feel the rain,while others just get wet' and it gives a sense of insane happiness belonging to the former. These little things in life make everything seem beautiful. Those tensions of a pending loan, a demanding job, a fussy boss, an incompatible life partner, a troublesome tenant, a bad relationship, an unaccomplished career, a fight with a best friend, a failure, an insufficient salary, a final examination, a not so homely hostel would always remain. Trust me ALWAYS! And it's time when you overlook these 'oh-so-important' things of life to peep into the brighter side of your life. To view the rains pour, the nature turn beautiful and your 'blue' days turn better :) These things in life bring out not only the lighter aspect in you, but it also brings out the kid inside which has somewhere been lost under the shackles of maturity and time. Don't let that kid die inside because as I always say this mad world needs that 'grain of insanity' in you so make sure you carry it. Life is beautiful only for those who know how to look at it.Take everything with a pinch of salt and  remember that its important to weather the storm and dance in the rain.
#makesureyoudance #monsoons #rains #bestseason

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