Tuesday 8 July 2014

Something I Miss...

Some times are like water, however hard you may try and hold them they just keep drifting off your hands and some like sand,however hard you may want to let them go, they don't until you let your fists open.
And sometimes opening your fist isn't that easy. Everybody has there own story to tell and there own good and bad times. But the times that I miss, those that I know will never come back, those that I long for are the ones bygone. Some people get what they want so easy isn't it? I haven't been lucky to get what I want from life that 'easy'. Never in my life have things been an easy prey. Those who get hold of anything and everything they desire, I don't know whether it's something to be happy of or something to be afraid from? I am sure we can figure this out by the end of the post but for now every coin has two sides and the side unnoticed is often the side one should be looking at. Let's unleash the latter. I don't think getting what you want from life every single time would be interesting. Though I do agree that my bias for the ones working for there goals is more because I relate to that slot but still trying my best at neutrality I really think the former aren't very fortunate. Not because they get 'everything' but because they get everything without working towards it. I've always held a strong belief that its not really about the happy ending but the 'journey' and it's sad that they have missed the 'journey' part to there story. That journey which would have made them better, that journey which would have redefined there perspective towards there 'I', 'me' and 'mine' and perhaps that journey which would have given them the courage to fight there own battles, to stand tall in front of every storm, to have that aspect of 'humanity' still alive in them. I am proud that I belong to the era when to win a 10 rupee note from my parents I had to score a 10 on 10, proud that I belong to the time when I was given a pat on my back for wishing my elders, proud that for me 'childhood' meant tom and Jerry,outdoor games with my neighbor hood friends,proud that the definition of 'happiness' started at family and ended at friends. It gives me immense pain to see the rate of crime,corruption and for that matter disrespect growing amongst the younger slot. It's those times I miss when teachers meant lifelines and parents meant our entire world. In that hoard of moving forward, of getting everything with a click of a mouse the people today have forgotten where they have come from. It's not that change isn't required,it definitely is. Change is the law of nature and thus is inescapable but then there are some things that are constant and should always be.You can always change for the better. With the increasing count of elderly in old age homes, teachers being ridiculed by there students, molestation cases by there very own family members I don't know what are we up to? If that is the swag you want to brag about then I am sorry it's not cool. To forget your roots and carrying pride in it, is really not cool. How difficult is it to stay loyal to your family,to bestow trust upon your friends,to carry goodness around you? I still don't think it's that difficult. It's those times that I miss...
I don't know if you've carried something to look back from my post but I have a little quote that will do the summing up for me...
#justbe #reflections #lookingback
Make sure you are able to do this too....

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