Saturday 12 July 2014

Slow Down

That is all that I have been talking about in one or the other manner till date. But suddenly it hits me, that how 'obsessed' have I turned out to be about certain things in life? It never happened to strike me this way before, like it did a while ago. In this hoard of reaching out to things so ambitiously I completely forgot the most important thing that was equally essential to be done.To SLOW DOWN! Yes. That's what I had been missing out since a while. Of course we need to be goal directed in today's era but then we need to pause and rewind too. How important is it to look back and reflect upon the journey you have traveled till now? I guess absolutely essential. It's good to carry a direction n life, to have something to work upon and to have a sense of purpose in life but like every automobile needs a 'service' to work efficiently again, every 'mobile' needs a recharge before it dies out similarly every one of us need that 'energy booster' or rather 'power saver' mode once in a blue moon. The only reason that I thought of writing upon this 'not so thought of' topic was that I had missed upon this 'break' and drifted from my sense of 'passion' in life and I dint want any one of you to do the same.It's good to learn from mistakes. So all you fellow readers here who are or have been experiencing a sense of 'focus loss' in life lately and haven't been able to get hold of the 'why' of it, probably one of the reasons could have been staying 'over focused' since long We have a tendency of  being dichotomous,don't we? There are no grey shades to life, it's either black or white. But sometimes it's good to take the middle path, to follow your heart and not your mind,to take a deep breath and to just let things go where they want to because at the end you will only get what you really wanted to. Trust me on that. It's equally essential to follow like it is to lead, because unless you follow you would not know how to lead. It's a very common scenario today, when articles are flooded about how to get rid of 'frustration', 'stress' and 'depression' in life and all of them brimming from nothing but 'life stress'. No doubt that the amount of tensions and work pressure is exceedingly high these days but then you need to have your own stress busters. It's good to go out on an odd Sunday evening with your family and not your colleagues, to go out on the lake instead the mall, to watch out on nature rather than your idiot box. That work's, it absolutely does. So make sure that you make up your bucket list soon, I've already got mine... Just be sure that you carry your own grain of insanity in this mad mad world and then life will be worth it!

 #Carrygoodnessaround #yougetwhatyousow

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