Saturday 28 June 2014

Favorite Qoute|Day 13

Day 13,holds something fruitful in store. Something that I've always looked up to,something I've always believed in and something that I keep in my mind every day I wake up. I firmly believe that we need some kind of  fuel to ignite that spark within and for me this serves as that fuel.

 Yes that is my favorite quotation. "The best is yet to come!" What a wonderful thought. That's the only thing that spins in my head whenever I go through a good or a bad phase in life. Whenever I think that things can not turn worst than this for me is the time they tend to worsen. It's those times that I bring myself together with a hope that tomorrow will be a better day. That tomorrow will have something more to offer. There is only one instance that suddenly strikes me presently. Once while I was giving an interview and my interviewer asked me "Who are you? And why are you here?"That day onwards things completely changed for me. Of course I couldn't give the perfect answer that time, but yes that question made me rethink over it again and again making me realize that it was not just restricted to that 'interview' but beyond. It was meant to question my existence. It was meant to question my individuality. It was meant to question where I stand? And I did question myself, trying to figure out all those answers that I was meant to find a meaning of. I am glad I figured out another 'bit of me' while I was trying to do all of this. The question was aimed to do so and it did. I started believing in what life had to offer with an open mind. From being a very closed and an amateur teenager I managed to bring a remarkable change in myself. Feeling good about it. It not only gave me a sense of purpose in life but also helped set a passion to strive for. For those of you who have left your passion behind, who have lost that fuel to strike a spark, who do not know what they are meant to do, trust me The best is yet to come!. Just stop, pause, close your eyes and think for a moment of all that I've just said. I am sure when you open your eyes the world will seem new to you.
#Hope #Forabettertomorrow

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