Thursday 26 June 2014

Most Proud Moment|Day 11

Day 11,the challenge is really gearing up now. These 31 days from the very start have been and further will be challenging for sure as the day when I started till the day I've come to,this journey has been immensely demanding. Today it talks of taking pride in yourself. I'm sure that each one of you have experienced this moment of joy, though I am yet waiting for it. It isn't that I haven't been lucky enough to experience great times, there were many,but it's just that they were not the 'most' proud moments so to say. I am still hopeful :)
It's truly said that...

And I follow the same.Coming to what I should be talking of, my most 'proud moment',well frankly as I said above,it is yet to be experienced. But the one that I take immense pride in till date, has definitely been my weight loss. I know it might not be a very big thing to brag about or take pride in, but for me it has been a turning point to my life. I haven't had the sources of spending lavishly in a gym or consulting a professional dietician like many of you. This journey has been hard, it has been challenging. There were times I felt isolated, times when I felt I was in a battle with my own self, times when my body starting giving up but then my mind didn't.I never knew I had this fountain head of determination in me, never knew that a girl like me could change and change for the better. Those days when I carried a baggage of 125kgs had been pressurizing. It had been stressful,lethargic,hazy. That phase of life that I've left behind me a few years ago somehow never tends to leave me. The kind of glutton that I was,loosing an inch seemed unimaginable. I have never learned to 'give up' but this challenge made me 'give up' time and again, and 'that' feeling wasn't good. Six months that I had begun to 'exert' I didn't loose even half an inch! Depressing,that's what it was. I had almost begun to loose hopes from myself now,till the time the effort starting showing results. From that huge girl who couldn't even jog like about a 100 m in half an hour,who couldn't stop hogging till the time she was told to, I take pride in saying that she's transformed to a girl who now can easily do cardio for 2 hours and eat wisely and in a much more balanced manner. :')
I may not  have the 'perfect body' yet but loosing those 60 kgs has left a lasting impact for sure.And I am glad it did not just stop on 'loosing kilos' but I made sure I carry on the same determination,patience and passion for every single thing in life. That lesson has been the best I've experienced,leaving a better me, a me who is active, energetic, healthy, wise in making decisions for herself, who is confident,presentable and a one who does not know what 'impossible is'! It was pure bliss,that moment when I felt proud in the manner things had turned for me after giving my everything to it. It had finally paid off.
Today I can vouch for the fact that....

#justbelieveinyourself #nolookingback #youhaveitwithin

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