Friday 27 June 2014

If I Won A Lottery|Day 12

This challenge is really 'self centric' that's what I've gathered :P in these 12 days, but yes it definitely has popped a bubble somewhere inside me :). That bubble which gives me one more chance to step close to my dreams. Winning a lottery! Whoa, now who could have thought of that? Such an absurd topic to blog about, isn't it? But I am sure, reading this post you can broaden you horizons on how to turn spendthrift without giving a second thought ;)
Firstly :P that's how huge I want the lottery to be ;) if ever I get one, because there's a whole lot of a bucket list that I need to go through :D

This is going to be long :P. A huge lot of things that I would prioritize on if I won a lottery would be...


Owning this with my own money, at this point of time can only be possible with a lottery :P. I want to ride this beauty to the university with my RayBan on every day ;)

I am crazy about wrist watches :D I so love to collect them. The first thing I would love to buy for myself will be a Rolex for sure. It will be a dream come true,these little diamonds studded in the dial take this watch to the next level, and I so want it. Like NOW! ^_^
  Shopping is a girls best friend! And there can be no two ways about it. I desperately want a wardrobe change. There's so much new to look up to these days at the stores. From Gucci, Armani, Mk, LV, UCB, Mango, Madame, Jimmy Choo and every other brand that one can think of, are all that I need in my closset ;).
A makeover :D from MAC. This is such a must in my bucket list.After a wardrobe change all I can seek for is Good Looks,Good Looks and Good Looks!

A convertible Mini Cooper Cabriolet in my backyard! :p Yes that's what I ll do winning those millions. Ah! That day ;) A perfect long drive in my own 'cooper' somewhere down the lane. (Dream>Check!)

Being an aspiring psychologist this is all I desire. A jazzy counselling clinic of my own to work at. This is exactly how comfortable and soothing I want by working ambiance to be. #dreamoffice

After buying all that I have listed,becoming all that I desired, my ultimate end that I shall seek is carrying my bag pack, a Nikon DSLR and leaving for a world tour. I want to see every beautiful place this planet has to offer, roam in every lane of every country, touchdown every continent, ocean, city, mountain range. Sit at a beach drinking a pinacolada,gazing at the sunset,hearing the silence of the waves with no one to disturb.
#lottery #life'sgood #that'swhatIseek

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