Monday 30 June 2014

What Should Be In a Handbag|Day 14

I know ideally according to the challenge the topic should have been 'what's in my handbag?' but personally I do not feel it's something that should be spoken about on a platform like this. I have stood by a simple principle always and would further, that 'I will use this platform not only for my own good but for yours too' and I don't think reading about what I carry in my handbag would suffice that. Like a normal day girl even my handbag looks somewhat like this...

Thus, we shall talk of 'what SHOULD be in a handbag?' Today, talking of the era that we belong to, the newspapers are filled with tips given to all the women out there to carry things for there safety, for there own good in there handbags, like say a bottle of pepper spray, a small first aid kit and even an emergency app in there smart phones that dial a number on there own when the women seems in danger. Shameful? Isn't it. I don't think that's spreading awareness rather I feel it's spreading fear amongst us. I take this not so very deep topic as an opportunity to talk about 'women empowerment'. It's essential that we talk of it today. The world does not want another 'Nirbhaya' does it? At least I don't. We are heading towards an era of savagery and barbarianism! To an era filled with desperate and vulgar minds. Minds that are filled with filth and nothing else. With there stench getting unbearable for us every day. Not even a single page of any newspaper is without an eve teasing case or a molestation case or a gang rape case of a minor or a girl traveling in a bus, train or a public vehicle. What a shame. Shame on those who have restricted the preamble's 'All Indian's are my brother's and sister's' pledge to just a pledge. And not very surprisingly they take pride in it? Ah! why won't they, the entire system is involved in it, because half of such cases include no one else but the involvement of a police official. It gets on my nerves not because I myself am a girl but because all of this is not at all human! Rather than educating us about who to talk to, what to wear, how to laugh, who to go out with, what time to be back at, what to carry so that you reach home safely at night, each of them should take the responsibility to educate there sons that how gruesome can things turn, how inhuman an act are they indulging in, how shameful it is to molest a girl walking on the road as tomorrow it can be there own sister, mother, wife or even daughter. It is important that they understand the sensitivity of the situation. Rather than launching these stupid programmes that are good for nothing as I just said that half of the times the crime is committed by the ones who should be controlling it they should focus on improving the psyche of individuals, of lowering there stress levels, of providing them with the basic amenities so that poverty does not become a reason for all of it. The most shocking news is to read of a girl being a victim of these cheap acts by her own relatives and even her own father. Nothing can turn worse than this. No government measure can be of any good until we decide to improve our own self's. It's aptly said that 'Charity begins at home!' and its our duty to follow the same. It's very easy to point out things and say that this can never change or that can never happen but it's difficult when it comes to application. So 'Be the change, you want to see in others!' Rather than rendering tips on what should women carry in there handbags try aiming at a better and a free tomorrow.
#introspect #womenempowerment #spreadthecultureofhumanity

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