Monday 29 September 2014

There is nothing to writing you just sit down at a typewriter and Bleed!

Hemingway had rightly said "There is nothing to writing,you just sit down at a typewriter and bleed!"
I haven't come across anything more serene than this. It is absolutely beatific to witness something so pure and so inspiring.I believe everyone is a little bard inside,it's just that some let it flow out and some don't,feeling that the cacophony of it wouldn't appeal to many. But I guess its okay if 'you' can sense some harmony there.We all have a story to tell,I am sure we do,a one which is in the making,a one which we are working upon,a one which can touch the hearts of many,a one which can bring a little twinkle to the eye and a one than no other can perfect as perfectly as you can.It's just we don't let that little writer inside, to come out and express what it wants to.It might sound bohemian to some but to me it makes sense.Remember when you started riding your own bike for the first time? Or when you did something by yourself for the first time without someone's help? Or that day when you got over a very tensed situation? Or the day you made someone feel proud about you? Or that time when you overcame a bad relationship? Yeah,exactly. Now you know what I am talking about...
These are the kind of stories that get converted into beautiful aphorisms and apothegms.The ones we can go back to and take something to learn from. Someone once said, that it's important to give words to your feelings that ways it's 'you',who ultimately doesn't suffer.I do not know if this strikes a chord inside you or not but I am pretty sure that you can somewhere relate yourself to the above.I recall something really funny,though we are talking some serious business here :P but I can't resist myself from putting it alongside,that all 'females' are labelled as being over 'expressive', belaboring things massively and being ultra sensitive about issues which aren't that sensitive and also of just 'venting' it out every now and then whereas men don't do this. Ever thought why? They aren't meant do this,they are all molded in a manner in which they aren't supposed to break there cocoon and burst it out. Because it ain't easy. It requires your gut to be strong enough to pen down an intimate experience or a one so close to your heart, just because you want someone to take back something useful from it.That also reminds me that men are susceptible to cardiac arrests more often because of the same :P.Well then probably I am better off any day, being labelled as 'over-emotional' so to say. So,just try being altruistic for once,it will not only help you in your catharsis but also make you 'feel-good' about yourself!
 This brings me to leave you with a little message that I wanted to convey via the post, that "There's a writer inside you,don't let it die ever,it's the only thing that will keep you alive!"

#reflections #voiceitout #itmatters :)

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Just BE!

We hide,we run,we get frustrated,we want to change,we get influenced,we are afraid not from somebody but very surprisingly from our own SELF.Why can't we just BE? Is it that difficult to feel likeable or wanted? Is being socially desirable a better feeling than being self desirable? We often start disliking our own self because we can't "brag" about it, it does not fit in the convention of 'cult' so to say or simply maybe because its very uncool. It's really alarming to find that people nowadays,who 'so' want to have their own identity in this mad race start loosing it instead. It's really tough to say to your new college peers or your colleagues that I don't drink or I don't smoke or I don't go clubbing or maybe just that I am not a night person, because it isn't the 'in' thing. Right? But just realize that Individuality is something that is meant to be manifest and not latent. Not at all. It's differences that make life colorful and liveable. Clones are similar,not people. Rather than pin pointing the negatives a person has, it's better to look for their positives, though they may be few but for sure they will be, and that would reflect the kind of person YOU are, more than what they are. Everybody wants to get ahead of the other because that brings them to the 'limelight' but I don't know what for? They are ready to cheat,steal and do whatever on earth is possible to attain the pinnacle, but will that acme hold any value? It might give you a great name, an even greater fame but then can you go and look into your eyes the next day in the mirror? Doesn't that person there seem to annoy you.The only problem is that everybody is dichotomous, they want to be good at EVERY thing. I mean, firstly how? and then why? Everybody is blessed with there own arcane potential and it's just,'that',which they need to mend or polish, and they definitely would shine.Why won't they? If sun would have tried to replicate those stars then I am sure it would not have been where it stands now. This only betokens that you could be there if YOU want to be. How do you know you that you can not be better than the other person at a job if you would just set your limits by there's? You should never settle for less, you aren't meant to be. Find a meaning for your existence and then life would seem beautiful. It might not just be your 'career' or getting a position in your grade, it could be much beyond. 3 Idiots never fail's to remind me of the adage, that it's excellence that you should seek and success would follow. Strive for bigger things in life, rise above getting those 100/100, or standing 1st in your class, or being declared the best employee and so on, you could definitely be better than that. Seek knowledge, learn and do it gracefully. If you do it with aplomb you would definitely be there, not surely in the 'limelight' but yes maybe in an even better state. So just be what you are and do what you want to do,because no one can be a better YOU than YOU YOURSELF can!
 #lastthoughts #thisaphorism

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