Saturday 8 August 2015

Love for Passion.

A lady walking on the beach holds her partners' hand with ardor, for she carries pride in her eyes of the compassion that they share. People walking past needless to comment call it some 'street romance', college brats call it a time pass,a writer sitting next to the shore thinks of it as a 'budding love story', a newly wed walking on the beach seeing them hold hands,tighten the grasp of their hands and call it 'companionship' however they both call it 'passion', a simple obsession for 'goodness' that they experience when together, a 'feeling', so fresh that it is yet untouched by the oddities of  any promises or commitments.
This ordinary  looking visual had so many interpretations, whatever people had to say of it, they both knew it was passion. It's rightly said 'Love what you do and do it often', for it may be re-experiencing any experience that once swept you off your feet, from the love for someones company, to a simple activity of interest that hooked you to itself every time you indulged in it, a job that made you feel a little lighter, an emotion that drove you to taste more of what you just experienced or a thought that never left your head whether it was of a person or a thing, 'that' in my definition is pure Passion.
People by virtue of being social animals are compelled to pass judgments on things other's like, people they love to hang around with, friends that seem a little off beat to their notion of 'right' or professions that people adopt which do not ensure a fat juicy cheque every month in their bank accounts. Today youngsters react to these 'moralizing judgments' as sick and to these beings so as to 'get a life!' but how these moralizers are still not abashed of it. They fail to understand that....

Isn't this simple? Does the mind really think before developing love for a person or a thing? for some job or profession? It just happens and there is no rationale to it. Some times it is better to not attach any pseudo logic's to things that are happening or will happen to be. Believe in what you love and love what you believe, for no one should own a right to point a finger at your incandescent exuberance. Carry your own shade of light inside you and behold it with aplomb for the world awaits to be painted in some bright new colors. This demented world demands no plasticity but only an effervescence of something full of  joy and excitement. 
Realize the beauty of carrying that grain of newness in your self and follow what your passion drives you to do, make sure you hold zeal and... 

#Bepassionate #haveopennesstoexperience #exploreself  #introspect  #reflect

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Tough times don't last,tough people do!

Its been long since I penned down my thoughts, sometimes in life you don't realize how much you're missing out on 'life'. A midst all this lurking madness we forget to enjoy those little moments that can bring a smile on our face :) Some people build tough things and sometimes tough things build tough people. It's never both ways, its either the first or the latter. People crib on things like having a bad cellphone, a fight with a friend, even a bad hair day and what not. Luckily they have never witnessed something tougher or they fear witnessing it. Life is only beautiful for those who open there arms wide to welcome every bit of it and work through this dichotomy. It's not always 'black' but also 'white' and maybe sometimes grey, and it's important to realize it. Because the sooner you gulp in this feeling the better you would be able to embrace it's beauty. Someone once told me that 'life is always tough,it's tough today, it was tough yesterday and will remain so tomorrow, why din't we crib of it in the same way as we do now as when we were a kid? Were we high on resilience or were we just ignorant'.Ignorant I am sure, Ignorance definitely is bliss but of course we get finer with growing age and this blurring ignorance gets more and more vivid but why loose the charm of life thinking about things that don't matter, people who won't stay, things that are yet to happen or things that might never happen at all. God has bestowed each of us with a unique attribute called 'perspective' and its just this that makes all the difference. The more you try to sort things the messier it gets, so enjoy the confusion, be lost, make mistakes, try and live in the moment, seize it and cherish it for it may never happen again. Realize the importance of what you have and try to make the most of it. In teens when we get all those life lessons from everybody we really get all fidgety, unable to control impulses and take things in their stride not trying to control what seems beyond us, but then this bag of maturity that people dawn upon us, we start analyzing things more than probably required. We complicate tiny little things forgetting that life demands simplicity. As it is situations and people are difficult, so being difficult yourself doesn't work,it really doesn't serve the purpose.Always remember that moments are never special, its the  people who make it special, so just make sure you don't loose out on any special moment to talk out what you feel, to make someone feel at ease, to just do nothing and be with yourself, to inspire a soul, to cuddle with someone you are close to, to feel loved by your parents when they are by your side and to do what makes you feel happy. Once you start doing things this way tough times wont seem tough, because...
#justbe #livethemoment #makeithappen

Monday 2 February 2015

Be Real. Period.

Trying to know other people can be interesting but trying to know your self can be scary. Isn't it? Because it might not fit your own notion of "perfection". But who cares? Sadly,we all do. Over a period of time as and when I've grown to be a mature individual I've come to know much of myself,to know of my interests,to know of my liking's and the way I want my life to be. Interestingly it isn't that scary that I thought it would be,though it might not be the 'ideal' life one strives for but at least it is the way that I want to lead it. I've always seen individuals who are trying to be "imposter's",someone they don't identify with or maybe someone they can relate to but then in the lieu of being that person they destroy their own individuality. Well there is nothing wrong in aspiring to be someone you identify with but what's wrong is,to forget your own 'self' while you try to be that significant other. Think about it. How long do you spend thinking about your own self? To retrospect on what you have been doing lately or to delve into the kind of personality that you have shaped up for yourself? Now think about the time that you spend on talking to individuals who have no interest in listening to what you are going through rather telling you about there interests,there skills,there feeling etc. etc. The ratio wouldn't even be 2:4. That's where it all sums up to. You in the hoard of always being that macho girl/guy from the class that gets all the hits,or that smart chap who cracks all the jobs,or that middle aged fellow whose earning a bloody good salary have lost what you had to offer to the world. I do not want to sound cliche but yes that's what the youth is indulging into and it is daunting,it really is. What are we heading towards? To be a Rakesh Sharma and travel to the moon, or be a Sachin Tendulkar and creating history or make a "P.K" and becoming a cult? Not cool. Undoubtedly we need numerous likes of the above but not by having another copy of them,we already have them for that. Be yourself,the world badly needs you and this realization is the need of the hour. That breeze of fresh air that you will be to this world will be worth breathing for so just be the way you really are. There is nothing as a 'good' or a 'bad' individual,it just is the understanding of the fact that you were born to be 'you'.
  The world needs you. #sobeoriginal #beyou #theworldswaiting #unleash

How do Psychologists Heal?

HOW HEALING HAPPENS IN MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS? The last few months have given everyone a chance to self-introspect. People have not onl...