Sunday 29 March 2020

Before the world ends.....

The world has come to a stand still with this pandemic. Each one of us quarantined for 'good'. But as the days are passing by, I see more and more people talking about things they never had the time to talk about in all these years. It amazes and surprises me at the same time that probably it didn't 'occur' to them earlier that these things were always important. I see people spending time with their family, with themselves, singing, reading their favorite books, following their art/music/dance/writing hobbies, rejoicing whatever connect with 'nature' they can have, playing indoor games, working out like crazy, re-connecting with friends and distant family, having deep conversations with near ones, tagging each other in bingo/memes/challenges, and video-conferencing over phone with every lost connection as evident from their social media handle posts. And all this while all that I have been wondering is 'Did it really take a pandemic to make us realize all these little things in life?' Why did we need 'isolation' to value each other more, to value our mother earth more, to enjoy hearing the calmness of the winds and chirping of the birds, to understand the importance of having routine 'conversations' with our loved one's, or following our favorite hobbies?
I sure understand, that in our normal routines we all come across a lot of 'first world problems' so to say, that inhibit us from following what we love. But I hope this time is a reminder of all that we've been missing out in life, in years bygone. I hope it makes us value the simple things in life, like introspecting, having a fun tea-time with your family, dancing to the tune of your favorite songs randomly, working out regularly, singing out loud while video-conferencing with school friends and finding time to listen to the calmness of the winds and endearing the light of the moon. I hope it doesn't require another pandemic for us to realize that nature has a way with the world and it's best to realize this sooner than 'later'. To also remember what all these days have gives us as a gift, "The reminisces of old times, forgotten memories, lost contacts, meaningful conversations" only to be able to continue with the same after all this ends. It would be amazing if all of us could take note of the things we 'got' than the 'things' we lost in this period of turmoil, only then, would we treat each other with 'more humanity, gratitude, and love' in times to come. So let's pledge that before the world ends, we'll find time to be more 'human'.
Because else, we'd be reminded that 

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