Wednesday 8 May 2019

Let's Talk Relation(s)!

The perception and definition of a 'Relationship' has really evolved over time. What used to be earlier associated with warmth, loyalty, personal contact, sharing details and mutual respect is now linked with convenience based, insecure, virtual interactions. Makes sense. But I don't know if this change has really made a difference for the better or the worse. We have definitely become more progressive and rational in our choices of people and the ways in which we want to connect with them but it has rather made the entire process of forming relationships mechanical and artificial. The very essence of connecting with a person, hearing out their story, relating with them and developing a bond has somewhere been replaced by a 'Hey, Whatsupp?' on a social networking site and a socially desirable response to the same. 
We start to loose touch with reality and more importantly with ourselves
by getting over involved with virtual environments which actually start to impact every other relationship in our life. We do things to keep up with the virtual world, to please our social media friends, to get a huge number of likes (now even love, wow etc). I remember seeing a bunch of teens at a coffee shop last  Sunday meeting up for some 'school reunion' apparently, sitting on a round table. All the while that I was their on this other table they insanely went on clicking pictures with each other half the time and then 'beautifying' their pictures the other half. While, I was just left thinking that they have
wasted their entire time merely trying to capture a moment, forgetting even to live it. What a shame. Where has the 'connect' and the 'talking' part gone? Because we don't really 'talk' now with each other, relations have become transitory, fragile, infidel and casual. And their is no progression in terms of thought that I can find in here. In order for us to be healthy, content, stable and happy, we need to non-mechanize this entire relationship building process. For this is one of the only things among many that need not be mechanical, thought over or planned but only emotional, honest and real. It's high time we realize this, else their won't really be any 'Human' in Human(ity) left. 

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