Monday 8 July 2013

Dream Kid

Hello, folks, I hope everybody had a pretty amazing weekend, well I did ;)
 Me+Sleep+Rains= Perfect 
Well sadly Monday is here :P, and I had to get back to work, same old routine, bored but until something caught my eye....
I was there in an institute for special kids, observing what all can be done with them and how far can they do things rightly. Just while doing so, a little kid came and she was mentally handicapped, and I was observing her, lost in her own sweet world, she knew nothing of what was going around, engrossed in her own self, with pure innocence playing with her hands looking at everything dazzled by its beauty, laughing all the way which made me think of how beautifully can one live irrespective of how they are, in what position they are, and what there future would be. We, occupied beings are so bothered of how we look, how we talk, what dress is the girl besides us wearing, are we looking up to the mark, how would my future shape up? Isn't it? We all do, but then when I look upon these special kids, I feel so awestruck by the passion they carry, by the will they have, by the wit that keeps them going, by the dreams they live with, that mean everything to them so much that whatever people say they try to achieve what they think is right :) even though it might not be.
And that's something we all must learn, we must learn to be driven by the same determination, to strive for what we think we are capable of, to dream irrespective of it being reachable or not, to stand up for what you believe. I feel so sad for myself, sad, because I missed out on such a huge part of my life running behind things that I don't even know would lead me anywhere or not, of what people would say when I would tell them I dream of this, I really do. But as they say its never too late to learn, so I ll make sure I dream, and let them fly without thinking of where they would lead to, I guess then life would be a better place to live in. 
Remember: When Life Seems Black and White Make sure You dream Of Colors :)
Talk to them and look back if you have missed out on some life ;)

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